B12 Injections for Energy Boost
Do you suffer from fatigue, depression, anxiety and poor memory or concentration? Did you know that even a mild deficiency of vitamin B12...
Battling the Post partum Slump
For so many in the initial post partum period, we jump into the realm of caregiver to such a degree that self-care is set to the back...
Fight Colds, Flus & Infection with Chinese Herbs
I have been using Chinese herbal medicine for so long, that I am always surprised when patients come in having just come back from the...
Research Proves Acupuncture Reduces Stress
As health practitioners it is impossible to ignore the profound effects of stress on every symptom a patient may have. Sometimes if I...
Physical Therapy for Pelvic Pain, Weakness, and Bladder Health in Women
A woman’s pelvis goes through much change over the course of her life span. A women’s health physical therapist is trained to assist the...
Treating Dysmenorrhea with Chinese Medicine
Can Chinese medicine be an answer for menstrual pain, referred to in medical circles as "dysmenorrhea"? The answer is a resounding "YES!"...
Maya Abdominal Massage: Ancient Female Healing
The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy (ATMAT) are founded on the ancient Mayan technique of abdominal massage. This external,...