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August 2024 Acupuncture Newsletter

Reclaiming Joy, Releasing Anxiety

As we approach the end of summer, let’s embrace the powerful energy of the fire element and the heart, considered the Emperor in Chinese Medicine. We can thank this source of calm and order in the center of our bodies for the joy, excitement, and connection we experience. The heart controls fire within the body, motivating growth and encouraging expansion in all aspects of our lives. This can foster deeper relationships, innovative ideas, and the fulfillment of our dreams.


If fire is out of balance within the heart, it can wreak havoc on the body and mind. In the body, we may see inflammation, skin eruptions, excessive sweating, palpations, racing heartbeat, and even heart attacks. Heart fire can also flare and disturb the mind leading to racing thoughts, anxiety, and a wide variety of mental illnesses. Just like we are witnessing wildfires destroying livelihoods in our external environment, so too can excessive fire within the heart destroy relationships, careers, and all aspects of life.

The connections the heart so deeply desires can be sabotaged by the mind, spinning stories that are neither true nor helpful. We are all influenced by our environment, and living in this fast-paced culture with the onslaught of information coming at us from every direction can be dizzying and easily stir up mental agitation. Conflict is inherent within our collective consciousness, so we must develop the skills to navigate conflict and become empowered to transcend it.


It requires practice to escape the busy, tormented mind, and a powerful practice to free yourself from the anxieties of the mind is to return to the wisdom inside of the home of your heart, the seat of love. It's always possible for us to go back there. The mind is a terrible Emperor, we must not let it be in charge. The mind is, however, a wonderful servant when led by the beauty of the heart.


If you are feeling wrapped up in anxiety, acknowledge it, and avoid being critical of yourself for having human feelings. Then take a quiet moment to breathe deep into the energy of your heart. Allow yourself to be bathed in the joy and bliss that is always present there. Mediating on things that bring you joy or things that you are grateful for enhances the heart energy. The more you practice, the easier it becomes to live in this space of compassion and understanding.

There are other techniques besides meditation and breathing exercises to calm the mind and find our center in our hearts, and it is a personal path to discover what works best for you. As we grow and evolve our needs to maintain balance and a calm nervous system may change. Certainly exercise and eating fresh, healthy food will nourish the heart and body, and encourage a relaxed mind. If you’re still struggling with anxious patterns, acupuncture is a powerful way to promote a deep sense of calm in the heart and mind. It often feels like a fast track to a deep meditative state that brings harmony to all of the organ systems and puts the heart back on its throne as the emperor of compassion.


Welcome, Jasper Moon and Jennifer Leonard!

We are thrilled to welcome the newest member of the DCA community. Congratulations Jennie and Toni on the birth of Jasper Moon! We will all miss Jennie and her amazing healing skills while she is out on maternity leave. However, we are excited to welcome to the clinic, Jennifer Leonard. Jennifer has been practicing Chinese Medicine since 2007 and is an incredible practitioner with a powerful focus on empowering you to be your best self. She encourages you to take your wellness into your own hands. Having completed extensive studies in integrative medicine she will help you expand your toolbox to achieve optimal health. Come see her at the clinic on Saturdays, Sundays, and Mondays to experience her talented healing skills.


Apothecary Spotlight: $19 B12 Injections with Acupuncture Treatments

Looking for an extra energy boost & more mental clarity following your acupuncture treatment? Add on a B12 shot for only $19! B12 is a prerequisite for the formation of red blood cells, It is vital in digestion and absorption as a component in transforming the food we eat into energy, and it is necessary for building and metabolizing neurotransmitters allowing for a healthy functioning brain. Give it a try the next time you’re in for a treatment and see how you feel.


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